For the animals
- Why Go Vegan for the Animals
This article explains that by choosing veganism, we recognize that animals are not ours to use or consume, and we take a stand against cruelty and exploitation by abstaining from its products and practices.
Source: Vegan Travel
- Vegan-friendly Movies about Animals
Find a vegan-friendly film about animals to watch or recommend.
Source: VegMovies
For my health
- Why Go Vegan for your Health
This article explains how by making more compassionate and oftentimes more healthful food choices, we can improve our own health and the lives of animals, and seek to reduce our risk of developing some of the world’s deadliest diseases while still gaining necessary nutrients from plant sources.
Source: Vegan Travel
- Vegan-friendly Movies about Health
Find a vegan-friendly film about health to watch or recommend.
Source: VegMovies
For the environment
- Why Go Vegan for the Environment
This article explains how many major animal agriculture practices are responsible for greater greenhouse gas emissions than transportation, account for mass deforestation, mass water consumption, and wreak havoc on our oceans and other ecosystems, threatening biodiversity.
Source: Vegan Travel
- Vegan-friendly Movies about the Environment
Find a vegan-friendly film about the environment to watch or recommend.
Source: VegMovies
For humanity
- Why Go Vegan for Humanity
This article explains how animals, the environment, and our own health are not the only victims of the animal agriculture industry – our fellow humans are deeply impacted by the global demand for animal products, too. These impacts include world hunger, impacts on low income communities and communities of color, and human rights violations against slaughterhouse workers.
Source: Vegan Travel
- Vegan-friendly Movies about Human Rights
Find a vegan-friendly film about human rights to watch or recommend.
Source: VegMovies
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Guide Updated September 7, 2024